Jonathan Pressdee
Jonathan Pressdee is vice president and managing director of mining at Black & Veatch. He began his career in the UK, working in Research and Development solutions to improve drinking water quality due to chemical and biological contamination such as pesticides and cryptosporidium. He then progressed through various project implementation roles from designer to project manager and through various project delivery models from feasibility through EPC. He then led various growth initiatives with Black & Veatch. Projects he has led incorporate some of the most advanced technology at the largest scale, with particular emphasis with membrane technology and desalination. He has worked on projects in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Africa. Black & Veatch has provided water and energy solutions in Chile for the past thirty years and is now leading major desalination projects for the mining sector. He holds degrees in chemical and biochemical engineering.
Jonathan Pressdee es vicepresidente y director ejecutivo de minería en Black & Veatch. Empezó su carrera en el Reino Unido, trabajando en investigación y desarrollo en el tratamiento de agua potable, buscando soluciones integrales para la mejora de la calidad del agua potable. El Sr. Pressdee ha trabajado en proyectos en Europa, Norteamérica, Sudamérica, Australia y África. Por más de 30 años Black & Veatch ha ofrecido soluciones de agua y energía, y actualmente está liderando importantes proyectos de desalinización en Chile para el sector minero. El Sr. Pressdee es licenciado en Ingeniería Química y Bioquímica de University College of Wales, Swansea.