Joseph Fidanque III
Joseph Fidanque III is the general manager of Tocumen International Airport. In addition, he is also the president of Fidanque Hermanos e Hijos and founder of Star Contact, Ltd. His family-owned business include travel agencies, Fidanque Comunicaciones Industriales, real estate development, and Star Contact S. de R. L. Tercerizador. He is also the founder and CEO of Intelfon-Red, a cell phone provider in El Salvador, the director of Multiholding Corporation (BVP: MHC), Colón Import & Export, Félix B. Maduro, Cochez Holdings, and INDESA. Fidanque is the director of the Fundación Filantrópica Fidanque and Young Presidents Organization (YPO), member of the Venture Club in Panama, member of the Board of Directors of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, and member of the Young Entrepreneurs Organization (YEO) association.