Julián Ventura Valero

former Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico

Julián Ventura Valero is a Mexican diplomat, who served as Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico from December 2018 to January 2020, G-20 Sherpa, and Chair of the Matías Romero Institute (Diplomatic Academy).

He joined the Mexican Foreign Service in 1990 and was appointed to the rank of Career Ambassador in 2006.

In the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs he has served as Undersecretary for North American Affairs (2009-2012); Director-General for Asia-Pacific Affairs (2003-2007); Chief of Cabinet of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (2002-2003); and Chief of Cabinet of the Deputy Secretary for African, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle Eastern and United Nations Affairs (2001-2002).

Abroad, he has served as Ambassador to the United Kingdom (2017-2018); Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China (2013-2017); Deputy Chief of Mission in the Embassy to the United States of America (2007-2009); Alternate Representative to the Organization of American States (1998-2001); Head of Political and Media Affairs in the Embassy in Cuba (1995-1998); and Alternate Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna, Austria (1990-1995).

Over the course of his diplomatic career he has represented Mexico in numerous multilateral conferences in the United Nations, the Inter-American System, APEC, the World Forum on Migration and Development and the G-20.

He holds a degree in History from the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)