Marcelo Gorrini
Marcelo Gorrini is the Central American Cluster Head and Panama Citi Country Officer at Citibank Panama, responsible for commercial and corporate business, personal banking, and the credit card unit of the bank. He assumed his present position in January of 2008. His international banking career began in 2000 in La Paz, Bolivia, where he was theMarcelo Gorrini director of consumer banking. He went on to serve as director of consumer banking in the Dominican Republic, Panama, Colombia, and Argentina as well. Marcelo joined Citibank in Argentina as part of a management trainee program in 1993, assuming positions such as branch manager, collections manager, and vice president of sales and services for consumer banking. Marcelo has a master’s degree in human resources from the Universidad Católica de Salta in Argentina and has completed the Senior Executive Studies Program at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management of Northwestern University. He also holds CPA certification from the Universidad Católica de Argentina.
Marcelo Gorrini es Citi country officer de Panamá y responsable del área de Centroamérica para Citi Panamá. Su experiencia internacional inicia en el año 2000, en La Paz, Bolivia, como Director de Banca de Consumo, posición de ocupó posteriormente en otros países como República Dominicana, Panamá, Colombia y Argentina. Gorrini se une a Citi en Argentina en 1993, en un programa de entrenamiento a ejecutivos, que lo llevó a ocupar posiciones locales como Gerente de Sucursal, Gerente de Crédito y Cobro, Vicepresidente de Ventas y Servicios de Banca de Consumo. Cuenta con una maestría en recursos humanos de la Universidad Católica de Salta en Argentina y un diplomado en Kellogg Graduate School of Management de Northwestern University. También cuenta con la certificación CPA por la Universidad Católica de Argentina. y completó un programa en alta dirección en el IAE de la Universidad Austral de Argentina.