Michel Temer
Michel Temer is the president of the Federative Republic of Brazil. He took office as president of the Republic on August 31, 2016 after the Senate approved the proceeding to impeach and remove President Dilma Rousseff from the presidency. During the period Rousseff was suspended pending the result of the impeachment proceeding, Temer was acting president for 111 days. With the confirmation of Rousseff's impeachment by the Senate, Temer's current term lasts until December 31, 2018. Michel Temer was elected vice president in 2010 and reelected in 2014 as part Rousseff's running mate for the presidency. He was speaker of the Chamber of Deputies (1997 - 1999, 1999 - 2001, and 2009 - 2010). He is on leave from the presidency of PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party), to which he was elected in 2001 and reelected five more times in 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. As vice president, he was responsible for defending the country’s interests in forums, meetings, and international negotiations. Temer led missions to discuss important issues with world leaders. In South Korea, for example, he met with Barack Obama (USA), Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Hu Jin Tao (China), and others, to discuss global nuclear safety. In his international activities, Michel Temer visited countries of the Middle East, the Americas, Europe, and Africa with the objective of promoting the Brazilian economy, investment opportunities, and partnerships, resulting in the growth and mutual development of nations. He also chaired two international discussion forums with the governments of China and Russia: The High-Level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (COSBAN) and the Russia-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (CAN). In 2011, Michel Temer met with then prime minister Vladimir Putin for talks involving the expansion of the beef market for Brazil. Temer also discussed the improvement of trade issues with deputy prime minister Wang Qishan (China) regarding the control of the flow of Chinese products exported to Brazil. Domestically, the vice president also coordinated the Strategic Border Plan based on the Sentinel and Agate operations and aimed mainly at combatting criminal activities along the more than 16,000-kilometer Brazilian border. As a house representative for six terms, he was selected by Diap (Inter-Union Department of Parliamentary Advisory) in 2009 as the most influential parliamentarian in the National Congress. Additionally, he was among one of the most influential house representatives of Brazil.