Professor Maja
Professor Maja is a sociologist, professor, author and confidence-researcher. Her TEDx Talk “How Apologies Kill our Confidence” was featured by TED IDEAS in their 2019 article “Do you say ‘Sorry’ too Much?” She is also a regular guest expert on television. Maja authored two books (“Hey Ladies, Stop Apologizing…and other career mistakes women make” and “Hey Ladies, Stop Apologizing, THE WORKBOOK”.) Professor Maja runs a leadership organization that trains women to improve their confidence, communication, and mindset. Additionally, she also speaks to women of all ages on topics such as: confidence, perfectionism, people-pleasing, imposter syndrome, time-management, and body positivity. Her new study “Women’s Confidence and Communication Styles” is a global study exploring what strengthens and weakens women’s confidence, and how apologies, deflection of praise and self-compassion impacts our confidence and communication. Maja holds a PhD in sociology from McMaster University where she also teaches.