Rodrigo Suarez

Rodrigo Suarez

ESG Leader for Latin America and Caribbean, Marsh McLennan

Rodrigo Suarez is Marsh Latin America leader for Climate and Sustainability Consulting, coordinating Marsh’s capabilities and solutions in the region, with a deep understanding in environment, social and climate. 

He aims to provide companies with the skills, tools, solutions in operative, tactic and strategic positions. He is also an Environmental and sanitary engineer, Natural and Environmental Resources Administrator, specialized in Public Management and Administrative Institutions and studies in Air Quality Management, Unconventional hydrocarbons, Climate Change Negotiator, Responsible Mining and Market Based Results. 

Prior to joining Marsh, he was general director of the National Environmental Licensing Authority. He held this position for more than four years, positioning the entity as the most transparent in the public sector and at the time of his departure he had the highest standards of effectiveness and efficiency. Additionally, he formulated the climate change policy for Colombia. Structured and presented the Colombian climate change Law. In charge of the technical team that took the country position in the Paris Agreement for Colombia and that structured the first NDC. He was part of the team that structured the carbon tax for Colombia and the establishment of the carbon neutrality process.