Sergio Alcocer
Sergio M. Alcocer is undersecretary for North American Affairs at the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Relations (SRE). In the public sector, he has previously served as undersecretary for Energy Planning and Technology Development at the Secretariat of Energy and as research director of the National Center for Disaster Prevention at the Secretariat of the Interior. Alcocer has also been secretary general (provost) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) as well as coordinator for Innovation and Development and director of the Institute of Engineering at the same university. As an academic, he has been a member of the National System of Researchers since 1994. Alcocer is the president of the Academy of Engineering of Mexico and member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in addition to various technical societies. He earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the UNAM and a PhD in engineering from the University of Texas, Austin.
Sergio Alcocer es subsecretario para América del Norte de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE). En el sector público, ha fungido como subsecretario de Planeación Energética y Desarrollo Tecnológico de la Secretaría de Energía y director del Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres de la Secretaría de Gobernación. Alcocer se ha desempeñado en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) como secretario general, director del Instituto de Ingeniería y Coordinador de Innovación y Desarrollo. Como académico, es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores desde 1994. Alcocer es el presidente de la Academia de Ingeniería de México y miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias y de diversos comités técnicos. Es ingeniero civil por la UNAM y tiene un doctorado en ingeniería en la Universidad de Texas en Austin.