
Carin Zissis on Femicide and Women's Protests in Mexico

When it comes to violence against women in Mexico, "the real problem is impunity," said AS/COA Online's editor-in-chief.

Carin Zissis, editor-in-chief of AS/COA Online, spoke to Carolina Sarassa from Univision News about the national strike "A Day Without Women" in Mexico. 

"Many women are staying home, not going out in the streets, not going shopping, showing what it’s like when women are absent, reminding the country that 10 women a day are killed in Mexico," Zissis said. "This is what it’s like if the rate continues." She also explained that many women operate the ticketing in the subways, and people were riding for free due to their absence.

"The truth is that Mexico has very strong laws on the books around femicide, violence against women, but the real problem is the impunity, the real problem is making sure that these laws are followed," Zissis said. "There has really been an outcry due to some of the crimes here and some of the violence against women." She said the recent kidnapping and murder of a seven-year-old girl had really "driven the outrage."

"We are really seeing a lot of people coming out and saying they’re having conversations with their mothers and grandmothers that they never thought they would have," Zissis said. "Or having conversations where men are coming forward and talking about their daughters, talking about their wives, realizing the impact of the violence on society."
