
Expert Video Q&A: Shift’s Rachel Davis on Consulta Previa and Resource Extraction

On the sidelines of an AS/COA panel about natural resource extraction in Latin America, Managing Director and Treasurer of Shift Rachel Davis talked about consulta previa—or prior consultation. This process involves working with communities in areas where these extraction activities are taking place to guarantee needs are met related to human rights and environmental impact.

Davis talked with AS/COA Online’s Luisa Leme about the role companies and governments should play during resource extraction endeavors. She explained that the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights outline a framework of responsibilities when it comes to business-related human rights impact. She reinforced the idea that it takes time to properly engage communities. “It has to continue throughout the life of the project because, ultimately, it is about relationships between the company and the local community,” says Davis.

For Davis, consulta previa also requires that businesses employ people with the specific skills necessary to take the community's point of view and integrate feedback into company activities.
