Honoring Telefónica's José María Álvarez-Pallete and Coppel's Agustín Coppel Luken
Honoring Telefónica's José María Álvarez-Pallete and Coppel's Agustín Coppel Luken
Americas Society recognized the leaders of Telefónica S.A. and Grupo Coppel with the Gold Medal for their outstanding impact in the Americas.
New York, June 12, 2024 – Americas Society awarded the Gold Medal to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Telefónica, S.A. José María Álvarez-Pallete and to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Coppel Agustín Coppel Luken.
They received the awards at America Society’s 2024 Spring Party, held on Tuesday, June 11 at Cipriani 25 Broadway in New York City.
"The Gold Medal is our highest and most important honor. It is only awarded to those unique individuals who have made a true and outstanding impact in their country and in the hemisphere," said Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA) President and CEO Susan Segal. "José María Alvarez-Pallete and Agustín Coppel Luken embody the very essence of the award and we are so proud and honored to recognize such amazing individuals," she added.
En nuestra Spring Party 2024 se entregó la Medalla de Oro a los líderes de Telefónica S.A. y de Grupo Coppel por su destacado impacto en las Américas.