Viewpoints Americas

Protecting Latin American Investments
/ Jonathan C. Hamilton

In an article for Viewpoints Americas, Jonathan Hamilton, Partner at White & Case LLP, examines the recent trend in some parts of Latin America to reject arbitration for resolving investment disputes. It is unlikely that foes of neutral dispute mechanisms will be able to  "put the arbitration genie fully back into a bottle," he writes.

A New Approach for the Next Generation
/ Aaron Schumacher
Aaron Schumacher of Tufts University notes the sharp disconnect between what is being taught and what should be taught about Latin America at U.S. universities. Many undergraduates possess little knowledge of issues such as energy security and sustainable development.
Financial Inclusiveness in Our Hemisphere
/ Carl Cira and Francisco Prior
Carl Cira, Director of the Florida International University Summit of the Americas Center, and Francisco Prior Sanz, Director of the Center’s Financial Inclusiveness Program, outline five ways to improve access to financial services. Their recent research focuses on lower income populations and remittance and microfinance recipients.

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