9 am to 10:45 am ET
Live broadcast
2020 Latin American Cities Conferences: Lima
AS/COA, in partnership with Peru's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explored the potential for economic reactivation, the role of investors, and digital transformation.
Reopening and Strengthening Peru's Economy
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, Peru had one of the most stable and robust economies in Latin America. How can the country quickly and effectively reactivate its economy? What conditions (structural, technical, political) are needed to get Peru back on track? How will accelerated digital transformation impact the future of work in the country? What role do investors play in shaping the future of Peru’s economy?
Reabriendo y Fortaleciendo la Economía del Perú
Antes de la crisis del COVID-19, Perú tenía una de las economías más estables y robustas de América Latina. ¿Cómo puede el país reactivar su economía de manera rápida y efectiva? ¿Qué condiciones (estructurales, técnicas, políticas) se necesitan para que el Perú retome el camino? ¿Cómo impactará la transformación digital en el futuro del trabajo del país? ¿Qué papel juegan los inversionistas en la configuración del futuro de la economía peruana?
- Elizabeth Astete Rodríguez, Minister of Foreign Affairs @E_AsteteR @CancilleriaPeru
- Waldo Mendoza, Minister of Economy and Finance @MEF_Peru
- Rafael Agudo, Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group
- Luis Felipe Carrillo, President & CEO, Central Latin America, GE
- Giovanna Cortez, General Manager of Latin America South Region, Microsoft @MicrosoftLatam
- Spencer Friedman, Regional General Manager for Perú, Bolivia, and Ecuador, Uber
- María Isabel León de Céspedes, President, CONFIEP @mleondecespedes @CONFIEP
- Luis Oganes, Head of Currencies, Commodities and Emerging Markets Research, J.P. Morgan
- Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @s_segal
Note: The conference will be conducted in Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation in English will be available to those participating via Webex.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: | @ASCOA
Event Information: Cara Caponi | ccaponi@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8368
Sponsorship Opportunities: Ana Calderon | acalderon@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8358
Individual Membership Information: Lee Evans | levans@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8384
COA Corporate Membership: Mila Fontana | mfontana@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8331
Note: View a list of COA corporate members.
Press Inquiries: mediarelations@as-coa.org
9:00 – 9:05 am Welcoming Remarks
- Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
9:05 – 9:15 am Opening Remarks
- Elizabeth Astete Rodríguez, Minister of Foreign Affairs
9:15 – 9:45 am Keynote Interview
- Waldo Mendoza, Minister of Economy and Finance
- Luis Oganes, Head of Currencies, Commodities and Emerging Markets Research, J.P. Morgan (interviewer)
9:45 – 10:45 am Panel: Reopening and Strengthening Peru’s Economy
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, Peru had one of the most stable and robust economies in Latin America. How can the country quickly and effectively reactivate its economy? What conditions (structural, technical, political) are needed to get Peru back on track? How will accelerated digital transformation impact the future of work in the country? What role do investors play in shaping the future of Peru’s economy?
- Luis Felipe Carrillo, President & CEO Central Area of Latin America, GE
- Giovanna Cortez, General Manager of Latin America South Region, Microsoft
- Spencer Friedman, Regional General Manager for Perú, Bolivia, and Ecuador, Uber
- María Isabel León de Céspedes, President, CONFIEP
- Rafael Agudo, Managing Director & Partner, Boston Consulting Group (moderator)