Panel Discussion: 4 pm to 5:15 pm ET (5 pm to 6:15 pm Brasília)

Brazilian Women in STEM
AS/COA's Women’s Hemispheric Network hosted a Webex discussion on how to boost gender participation in the tech industry in Brazil.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #womenASCOA | @ASCOA
Brazilian Women in Stem
In 2018, only 20 percent of jobs in the tech sector were held by women. Not only is their representation much lower, but the turnover rate for women working in the tech industry is also more than double that of men. How can we include more women and minority groups in STEM jobs? What policies and actions are being implemented? As underrepresented groups are the most vulnerable to lose their jobs to automation, how can we better prepare them for the workforce of the future? Join us for an on-the-record panel discussion focused on diversity and inclusion in STEM in Brazil. The conversation will be held in Portuguese.
Mulheres Brasileiras em Stem
Em 2018, apenas 20 por cento dos empregos no setor de tecnologia eram ocupados por mulheres. A representatividade de mulheres é baixa e a taxa de rotatividade das mulheres no setor é duas vezes maior que a dos homens. Como podemos incluir mais mulheres e grupos minoritários no setor de STEM? Quais são as políticas e ações que estão sendo implementadas? Uma vez que grupos sub-representados estão mais vulneráveis a perder seus empregos para a automação, como podemos prepará-los para a mão-de-obra do futuro? Participe do nosso painel on-the-record sobre a diversidade e inclusão no setor de STEM no Brasil. O painel será realizado em português.
- Silvana Bahia, Director, Olabi
- Maria Augusta Bernardini, Executive Medical Director, AstraZeneca do Brasil
- Alessandra Del Debbio, Legal and Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Brazil
- Paula Moreira, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Brazil (moderator)
A video recording of this presentation will be publicly available after the event's conclusion.
Registration: Please email Juan Serrano-Badrena |
Event Information: Please email
Sponsorship Opportunities: Ana Calderon | | 1-212-277-8358
Individual Membership Information: Sarah Bons | | 1-212-277-8375
COA Corporate Membership: Mila Fontana | | 1-212-277-8331
Note: View a list of COA corporate members.
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