Arts & Culture

Edmar Castañeda
7:00 pm

Acclaimed Colombian-American harpist Edmar Castañeda will present his second of three concerts at the Americas Society on November 19.

A Conversation with Liliana Porter and José Luis Blondet
11:30 am

As part of the PINTA Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art Fair, artist Liliana Porter will speak about her long artistic career with José Luis Blondet, curator for special initiatives at the Los Angeles County Museum.

Edmar Castañeda
7:00 pm

Acclaimed Colombian-American harpist Edmar Castañeda will present his first of three concerts at the Americas Society on November 13.

Symposium: Gego at One Hundred Years
12:00 pm

Americas Society will present a day-long symposium with Columbia University’s Department of Art History and Archaeology to explore the Venezuelan artist's historical relevance.