The troubles in each of the four member nations are taking a political toll and thus reducing their abilities to prioritize the Pacific Alliance,” comments COA’s Eric Farnsworth.
Foreign Relations
Os investidores presentes em reunião com a Presidente Dilma saíram bem impressionados nesse momento de reabertura comercial com os EUA, afirmou Brian Winter da AS/COA.
Having diplomatic relations will give the U.S. “a formal avenue” to engage with Cuba on many issues, highlights AS/COA’s Alana Tummino.
Presidents Dilma Rousseff and Barack Obama announced accords on everything from climate change to cyber security.
The opening of embassies in Washington and Havana heralds a new era of bilateral relations driven by engagement.
“Grandes compañías están interesadas en explorar opciones y presentar propuestas de inversión en sectores como telecomunicaciones, pero la paciencia y la construcción de la confianza son centrales”, señala Alana Tummino de AS/COA.
President Dilma Rousseff must strike a balance regarding Venezuela during her visit with President Obama, says AS/COA’s Brian Winter.