For President Dilma Rousseff, the visit is an opportunity to court U.S. investment to help restore Brazil’s flagging economy, comments COA’s Eric Farnsworth.
Foreign Relations
Rather than “fence-mending,” the bigger take-away of President Dilma Rousseff’s visit is that both the U.S. and Brazil have realized they need each other, underlines COA’s Eric Farnsworth.
"From the White House perspective, President Dilma Rousseff’s visit is a chance to re-energize a very important relationship on trade and investment," points out COA’s Eric Farnsworth.
Signaling that the U.S.-Brazil relationship is back on track might be the most significant outcome of the visit, underlined AS/COA's Brian Winter.
“This trip is important because it puts [the Snowden] incident firmly in the past....It’s an important signal that says the path will now go forward,” explains AS/COA’s Brian Winter.
A reaproximação entre ambos paises é fundamental e os “EUA têm de levar ao Brasil em sério”, diz Eric Farnsworth da COA.
For Brazil, trade is the priority and President Dilma Rousseff wants to promote manufactured exports to the United States, comments COA’s Eric Farnsworth ahead of Rousseff’s Washington visit.