The U.S. assistant secretary of state gave remarks on the Biden administration's Latin America policy, including positions on Haiti and Venezuela.
U.S. Policy
The Biden Administration's Western Hemisphere Policies with Brian A. Nichols
AQ Podcast: What Trump Would Mean for Latin America Policy
AQ Online
A conversation with the Trump administration’s former ambassador to the OAS
Venezuela’s Grand Bargain
Mark Feierstein
Maduro and the opposition must overcome differences to salvage this year's presidential election, writes an expert on hemispheric relations.
Quiet Quitting the War on Drugs
Brian Winter
Several Latin American governments seem to be backing off anti-drug efforts, though some avoid explicitly saying so.
2023 Washington Conference: U.S. Senator Michael Bennet
The Colorado senator discussed collaboration opportunities across the Western Hemisphere in an interview with AS/COA Vice President Eric Farnsworth.
A Guinada De Joe Biden, O Americano Petista
Brian Winter
Biden é, provavelmente, o presidente mais ''petista'' dos Estados Unidos em pelo menos meio século, escreve Brian Winter da AS/COA para a revista piauí.
AQ Podcast: Why Latin America Is So Vulnerable to Cyberattacks
AQ Online
An expert on cybersecurity gives an overview of the problem — and offers potential solutions