News & Analysis

Calling a Coup a Coup
/ Christopher Sabatini / Daniel Altschuler

"Allowing a government that came to power through unconstitutional means to ride out an interim period to the next election and then transfer power would set a perilous precedent," write AS/COA's Christopher Sabatini and AQ blogger Daniel Altschuler. "The [power sharing] deal struck last week offers a responsible, democratic exit from the four-month political crisis in Honduras."

An End to the Honduran Waiting Game?
/ Carin Zissis

With a U.S. delegation in Tegucigalpa to help resolve Honduras’ ongoing political stalemate, negotiators reached a power-sharing agreement late last week. The deal could resolve the dilemma over deposed leader Manuel Zelaya's reinstatement and pave the way for international recognition in upcoming elections.

The Honduran Half Step
/ Carin Zissis

Negotiators for deposed Honduran leader Manuel Zelaya and the interim government continue the slow march toward ending the political standoff. The two sides have exchanged proposals to resolve the sticky question of Zelaya's return to power. Meanwhile, the clock keeps ticking down to November presidential elections.