"The real shift is going to take place in the elections, when the Liberals [...] will have to contest the Conservatives," says AS/COA's vice president.
On the Air
"Tendrá más voluntad de implementar aranceles y sanciones", dijo el vicepresidente de AS/COA a "Y esto no es todo" en referencia al presidente electo.
"Trump llega con la intención de crear más espacio entre México y Estados Unidos", para proteger a este último, dice el experto de AS/COA en Primer Click.
"Ha sido verdaderamente un honor mostrar al mundo la innovación, la resiliencia y el talento que sale de América Latina", dijo Teran en GloboEconomía.
If the United States does not pay more attention to the region, "needs will be fulfilled by China," said the AS/COA vice president to the radio network.
If the cost of exporting to the United States goes up, countries may shift to trading with China, explained the AS/COA vice president on the radio program.
Trump's immigration threats will be a challenge as Mexico and the United States are "very integrated economically," said the AS/COA Online editor-in-chief.