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What you missed

Sunset soiree

Join the Young Professionals of the Americas in Coconut Grove for their annual celebration.


The half-day conference convened top women leaders and male allies to discuss gender representation across disciplines and industries.

(left) Esperanza Mayobre, detail of Serie A.M.O. ($15.20 por galón en el mercado negro) ($15.2 per gallon in the black market), 2020. Courtesy of the Artist. (right) Carlos Motta, detail of Nefandus Trilogy, Nefandus, 2013. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon; Galerie mor charpentier, Paris; and P·P·O·W Gallery, NewYork and Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo

Art at Americas Society presents a roundtable with artists Esperanza Mayobre and Carlos Motta, moderated by curator Tie Jojima.