10:00 am to 3:00 pm CST

South-Southeast Mexico Investment Forum
Join Council of the Americas in Veracruz, Mexico for an event with government officials and the private sector to discuss regional opportunities.
Council of the Americas will host a forum to discuss investment opportunities in Mexico's south-southeastern region. This event in Veracruz, organized in partnership with TC Energía, will bring together federal and state government officials and the private sector to offer a unique platform for business leaders to engage directly with key policymakers.
COA members will have the opportunity to learn about the region's economic potential and the government's development priorities, as well as engage in discussions around policies designed to accelerate sustainable development, regional integration into North American value chains, and long-term prosperity for the region.
- Rocío Nahle García, Governor of Veracruz
- Rear Admiral Alfonso Fabián González Belmonte, General Coordinator for Investment Promotion, Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT)
- Ernesto Pérez Astorga, Secretary of Economic and Port Development of the State of Veracruz
- Raúl Ruiz Robles, Secretary of Economic Development of Oaxaca
- Iñigo Arturo Aragón García, Undersecretary of Economic Promotion and Investment Attraction, State of Oaxaca
- Andrea Genoveva Solano Rendón, Head of Regulations, Competitiveness, and Competition Unit and General Coordinator of the Interoceanic Corridor, Ministry of Economy of Mexico
- William Antonio, Managing Director Mexico, Central America and Venezuela, SLB
- Oscar del Cueto, President and Executive Representative, CPKC de Mexico
- Sergio de la Maza, Executive Vice-President and Managing Director, TenarisTamsa
- Altagracia Gómez Sierra, Coordinator, Advisory Council for Regional Economic Development and Nearshoring
- Laura Ripani, Country Representative in Mexico, Inter-American Development Bank
- Jonathan Ruíz, General Director of Special Projects and Regional Editions, El Financiero
- Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
Event Information: Adan Toledo at atoledo@as-coa.org
Sponsorship Opportunities: Constanza Guarino at cguarino@as-coa.org
COA Corporate Membership: Miranda Gastelum at mgastelum@as-coa.org
Press Inquiries: Claudia Torrens at mediarelations@as-coa.org
Foro de Promoción de Inversiones en el Sur-Sureste de México
Martes, 18 de Febrero, 2025
World Trade Center Veracruz
10:00 – 10:15 am Mensaje de Bienvenida
- Ing. Rocío Nahle García, Gobernadora Constitucional de Veracruz
10:15 – 11:10 am Panel I: Corredor Interoceánico, Visión de Desarrollo del Sur-Sureste
- Contralmirante Alfonso Fabián González Belmonte, Coordinador General de Promoción de Inversiones, Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT)
- Ernesto Pérez Astorga, Secretario de Desarrollo Económico y Portuario, Estado de Veracruz
- Iñigo Arturo Aragón García, Subsecretario de Fomento Económico y Atracción a la Inversión, Estado de Oaxaca
- Ragnhild Melzi, Vicepresidenta, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
11:10 – 12:00 pm Keynote—Visión México: Corto, Mediano y Largo Plazo
- Altagracia Gómez Sierra, Coordinadora del Consejo Asesor de Desarrollo Económico Regional y Relocalización
12:00 am – 1:00 pm Panel II: Perspectivas y Oportunidades de Inversión
- William Antonio, Director General de SLB México Centroamérica y Venezuela
- Oscar del Cueto,Presidente y Representante Ejecutivo, CPKC de México
- Sergio de la Maza, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director General, TenarisTamsa
- Laura Ripani, Representante del Grupo BID en México
- Jonathan Ruiz, El Financiero
1:00 – 1:30 pm Conferencia Magistral: Potencial de Inversión en México y el Sur-Sureste
- Andrea Genoveva Solano Rendón, Titular Unidad Normatividad, Competitividad y Competencia y Coordinadora General Corredor CIIT, Secretaría Economía
1:30 – 2:00 pm Mensaje de Cierre
- Susan Segal, Presidente & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
- Ing. Rocío Nahle García, Gobernadora Constitucional de Veracruz
2:00 – 3:00 pm Recepción y networking